$1,000,000 Fidelity Coverage

The Largest & Oldest National Trade Association of Recovery Professionals in North America. The Only Not-For-Profit True Trade Association to the Recovery Industry Since 1936.   Professional AFA Members as of February 9, 2025163

Allied Testimonials

Thank you so much for including me in the Allied Finance Adjusters Midyear Meeting. It was truly rewarding and beneficial to have the opportunity to interact with the various agents and representatives while answering their questions and addressing their concerns. And, it’s certainly most helpful from a business relationship standpoint to hear their perspective on the issues currently challenging all of us.

It’s also quite comforting to know that the participants there take their business seriously, particularly in today’s regulatory environment, and it’s assuring to know that my assignments are in the hands of knowledgeable, well-trained professionals.

Rick Annenberg

Recovery Manager
United Acceptance

Thanks for the member benefits that save me money.

I signed up for the Power Purchasing program and did nothing with it for a while, but then I printed the in store card and kept it with me. I purchased toner the other day and save $12 on one toner. I have been using the discount key codes in the members area and have saved a lot there too. At this rate the savings I get from the member benefits will cover a big portion of my annual dues. Thank you Allied!

Jeanne L.

We wanted to extend our thanks to Chuck Cowherd for the great work and assistance on the use of the website. I'm a new member and am thrilled at the amount of knowledge we are gaining through the Allied website !!!

Our possibilities are endless being an Allied member and it’s all at our finger tips thanks to the dedication of staff & members !!!

Kim S.

Thank You for the opportunity to be a part of what I feel is a great organization.

Karl R

Sorry I am a few days late in sending this note! I wanted to THANK YOU very much for the seminar my office staff and clients attended in Atlanta...of all places! (45 minutes from my office made it wonderful) I swear I could listen to Mr. Howk speak for hours on end.

After the seminar, I took my staff out to dinner in Buckhead where we found ourselves collaborating ideas back and forth for the next 2 1/2 hours. Best staff meeting ever. lol~ This local seminar made it possible to bring my key players and hear for themselves the changes we are all faced with. With this, some had ideas and input others had not thought of. We ALL walked away with the power of knowledge and what is better than that?!

I want to personally say...THANK YOU to all of you that had anything to do with the seminar from the smallest detail to the largest. I know there were some issues the hotel was faced with (leaking water) but even that was dealt with in the most professional manor. The event staff I encountered were exceptionally kind to me as well as my team. I am honored to be affiliated with Allied, my only regret is that I didn't join sooner.

I just wanted to take the time to say a sincere THANK YOU for the invaluable seminar that I was so grateful to be a part of. I now feel armed with the knowledge to do what I need to , to become compliant. Thank goodness a lot of the things mentioned , I have had in place , so for me this is a very manageable task.

I am honored to be an Allied member , which I believe is an elite group of recovery agents. It is so nice to gather with professionals that are in the same field as myself and share stories, tips, advise, etc... and to have fun while doing it!

Thank you again. I am sure putting together an event such as that was not a small task, but one that did not go unnoticed. I appreciate each one of you ~ Job well done my friends, JOB WELL DONE!

Emily H.

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