Covington, Louisiana

  1. Centurion Auto Recovery
  2. Nicholas Trist
  3. 1/1/2007
  4. 553
  7. 311 W. 21st Ave., Covington, LA 70433
  8. 311 W. 21st Ave., Covington, LA 70433
  9. 985-809-1847
  10. 985-893-7188

  1. Member Documents

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    The above documents were submitted by the Allied Finance Adjusters member and the member is solely responsible for the contents. AFA is not
    responsible for documentation verification or validity. Verification of all documentation and compliance is the responsibility of the end user.

  2. Louisiana: 18
    Alexandria, Baton Rouge, Breaux Bridge, Denham Springs, Franklinton, Gretna, Hammond, Houma, Kenner, Lafayette, Lake Charles, Mandeville, Metairie, Monroe, Natchitoches, Opelousas, Ruston, Shreveport
  3. Centurion works the entire State of Louisiana, have the most Certified SH agents in LA. Never had a wrongful Repossession!! Service is King at Centurion!